Thunderbird MGM ranks #1 in Wall Street Journal report
ThunderbirdのMaster of Global Management (MGM) プログラムは、ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル2019年版において、世界24各国114のビジネススクールの中から、第一位に輝きました。
Thunderbird global management degree named No. 1 in business schools report
Thunderbird School of Global Management’s specialized Master of Global Management degree earned the No. 1 Master in Management ranking in the Times Higher Education/Wall Street Journal 2019 Business Schools Report released Dec. 5. In total, 114 business schools from 24 countries were ranked in the full report. Thunderbird was the only U.S.-based school to rank in the top 5 Master in Management specialty.
About Master of Global Management (MGM) program