
<Alumni>Special Event! August First Friday


Dear T-birds,

8月の“First Friday”は、T-birdアラムナイがアメリカより来日し、自らのキャリアについて分析・戦略を立てるイベントを開催します。
今回ワークショップとして行うプログラムは、本学のCMC(Career Management Center)でキャリア開拓プログラムとして採用されており、TTI社に務めるサンダーバードアラムナイからJapan T-birdsへ特別にワークショップ開催のオファーをいただきました。
ワークショップの後は近くの会場に移動し、気軽なFirst Fridayをと考えています。


For our August “First Friday”, a T-bird from the United States will host an event focused on strategizing career journeys using personalized talent insights.
The program, supplied to the Thunderbird Career Management Center (CMC) as part of students Career Development Program, includes a special workshop offered by TTI for Japan T-birds.

After the workshop, we plan to move to a nearby venue for a casual First Friday gathering.

Please register using the form :

<Event Title>
Empowering The Career Journey: Insights and Strategies for the Modern Workforce

Ms. Kefei Wang
(Class of ‘13’) Residing in New Mexico, USA
Background :Global Partner Strategy Manager, TTI Success Insights, Founder & CEO, Teak & Tale

<Date> August 2nd Friday, 2024
<Time> 18:30~ 20:30  (Door open 18:00)
Event Style: In-person
<Venue> iU情報経営イノベーション専門職大学 竹芝サテライトオフィス
Takeshiba Satellite office,
Professional University of Information and Management for Innovation
<Address> 東京都港区海岸1-7-1 東京ポートシティ竹芝オフィスタワー 8F
Tokyo Port City Takeshiba Office Tower 8F, 1-7-1 Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo


<Price>No Charge for workshop

*CLOSING DATE: July 25th  (Thu), 2024

In this workshop, we will explore the current global workforce trend such as labor shortage, and how the pandemic has fundamentally transformed our relationship with work. By examining your TTI’s DISC and 12 Driving Forces report, you’ll gain valuable insights into your unique strengths and values. We will guide you on how to leverage these insights to create a fulfilling career environment tailored to your individual needs and provide ideas on how to reinvent the talent journey at your organization to heighten employee awareness, increase engagement and empower team collaboration.
Join us to discover strategies for thriving in today’s dynamic job market and achieving personal and professional satisfaction!

About TTISI:
TTI Success Insights is an industry-leading, award-winning assessment provider based in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. We are dedicated to sparking transformative experiences through assessment solutions and research. We apply a multi-science approach to an ever-evolving suite of tools supporting the talent’s journey. This commitment to continual improvement aligns with the American Psychological Association’s philosophy and methodology for assessment development, implementation, and validation. Our assessment heightens awareness, improves alignment, and increases collaboration for individuals, teams, organizations, and communities. Our products are represented in over 48 languages throughout 100 countries.

A message from the Organizer:
As Japan T-bird alumni, we would like to invite you and your colleagues/friends to join this exclusive workshop hosted by alumna Kefei Wang (Class of ‘13), who is leading the global partner growth at TTI  and TTI’s market expansion in APAC.

Once RSVP this event, you will receive an invitation to take a complimentary Talent Insights assessment and receive a personalized report ($ 250 USD value) that gives you insights into your behavioral styles and motivational styles.  Please have your personal report available while attending this interactive 2-hour event.

Please have your personal report available while attending this interactive 2-hour event. 

Agenda: Updated

  • Introduction and Welcome
  • Exploring Global Workforce Trends
  • Understanding TTI’s DISC and the 12 Driving Forces
  • Strategies for a Fulfilling Career Environment
  • Reinventing the Talent Journey at Your Organization
  • Q&A and Wrap Up