
<Alumni> Welcome Dinner with Dean Charla Griffy-Brown      

< Welcome Dinner with Dean Charla Griffy-Brown >

Honor of guest 
His Excellency Dr. Ghazi Faisal S BINZAGR (Class of ’87)
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

この度、新しくサンダーバードの学長に就任をしたDean Charla Griffy-Brownが来日いたします。

Dean Charla Griffy-Brownは、以前日本の大学で教鞭をとられていたこともあり、日本に大変造詣が深い学長で、Japan T-birdsの皆様にお目にかかれることをとても楽しみにしております。

また、このディナーには今年5月に駐日サウジアラビア王国大使に就任をされたT-bird アラムナイDr. Ghazi Faisal S. Binzagr (Class of ’87) も、ご参加いただく予定です。



I am thrilled to announce that our new Dean Charla Griffy-Brown, will visit Tokyo to meet the Japan T-Birds!
Please mark your calendars and join us for a special evening.

We will also have His Excellency Dr. Ghazi Faisal S. Binzagr (Class of ’87), Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as our honored guest.
T-Birds, family and friends, and prospective students are all invited to this special event in Tokyo!

Please RSVP in advance
by clicking “Register for this event”.

Date: Nov 10th (Sunday) 2024

Time: 18:00~ 20:30
Venue: BISTRO FAVORI Daikanyamaビストロ ファヴォリ代官山
東京都目黒区青葉台1-4-8 1F
1-4-8 1F Aoyama Dai, Meguro-ku Tokyo
Phone: 050-1721-0025

<Price> 9,000 JPY (Dinner with free-flow drinks)

 *CLOSING DATE: October 31st (Thu), 2024